Sweet Hammer Blow

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

Imagine the gruff, sweaty man at work. He pulls the heavy iron tool back and with a loud repeated ‘ping’ hammers hard against the fire-softened metal to sharpen the dull blade. The metal will harden with great accuracy, grandly formed for its precise use.

This image is similar to two companions who have locked arms in life together and are in deep conversation, constructive criticism, loving advice, counsel and differing viewpoints that rub against each other to sharpen their hearts.

However, the sound can also be similar to the harsh ping of the loud morning neighbor in vs. 14, the drip of the quarrelsome wife in vs. 15 and the scratching fingernail against the chalkboard of wounds, anger and jealousy from earlier verses that all hit the target of our hearts with fierce blows upon us.

In either circumstance, I may think I am being squelched from who I really am. Yet, in reality, God is rebuilding me into something better than I was before, THROUGH my circumstances. I stop my inward cries and listen to sweet hammer blows I know are from God. He is forming me even now. My trials happen with His full knowledge and in His timing. They can be used for His purposes. My response to such disappointments is trust in Him. I have been appointed by God to rise above what feels unfair and uncomfortable. In these moments, I realize my adequacy is not found within myself (look at me, I’ve been sharpened) but in a powerful and adequate God, the One behind all that sharpens me. Under every blow, I can be still and know that He is God.

Interactions with people, no matter their good or bad intentions can be managed by our Sovereign God to enhance our usefulness for His sake. Marriage is the closest a person can get to another person, and we are sharpened in our loving experiences, but also in our seasons of despair.

In single-hood, we are sharpened as well. It is our response to the sharpening that is most vital.

I am sharpened by the Bible, nature, circumstances, promptings of the Holy Spirit, books or inspirational movies and by witnessing godliness in the face of painful trials. But this particular verse speaks of how my heart is sharpened or stirred to action by others who have been stirred to action and vice versa.

Generally, we are not sharpened simply by the thoughts that come into our minds. Someone who walks in different shoes and has different experiences than our own can bring to us more insights for better ways to live or they can influence us for wrong.

As I grow older, I am increasingly discovering that surprisingly I am not the center of the universe. Being sharpened is not as much about ME as it is about me being refined for something or someone else. The process of sharpening makes me a blessing (or a curse) to others and greatly moves God’s kingdom forward (or hinders it).

If the iron sharpener could speak, I imagine his voice reflecting back to me my flaws or my apathy or laziness, to name a few. I am seen for the bluntness or dull qualities I possess.

Am I true or am I false, genuine or pretending? Am I only reading about good and godly deeds or am I doing what I know to be right? Upon examining my life, I can now discover the depth of my need to be sharpened.

Hebrews 10:24 says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” This verse is perfect in explaining the iron sharpeners we must be for each other.

Sadly, however, there are those who spur me on to self-expression or self-centeredness. I might be strong enough to reject their examples and continue to be refined by God. Yet, eventually, their sharpening may evolve into the opposite of what God desires and I desire for myself. It is wise not to be in the company with them for long periods of time, for they will influence my heart to become more agitated, lazy or angry.

When I spend my time walking with good companions, I can be taught the joy of the Lord instead of depression and complaining. I can be led to paths of honest hard work instead of idleness.

Father, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. Show me the path to your wiser ways. Use the friends in my life to sharpen me for the good. Likewise, help me to sharpen them. Help us to be better people because of the friends we choose to walk with. In Jesus name, Amen.

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