Wondrous Glory

When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by.” Exodus 33:22

Moses wanted to see God’s glory. How wonderful to be able to ask for this wonder of wonders!

And so, my heart was curious about it all. It takes such great faith to pray and believe with all my heart that God is with me always. But Moses asked to see His intense glory!

God said that He would put Moses in a place in the cliffs. He would cover him with His hand until He had passed, and Moses would be able to have a glimpse of His back (not really a physical body but perhaps a radiant light, too bright to look upon).

Maybe we’ll never know until eternity what really happened. But what Moses saw was all he could bear. There was so much more to the Almighty God, and even overwhelmingly so!

It all sounds too fantastic to be true. I’m sure that the light of God was astounding.

Today, in my life, it would be such a tremendous blessing to see the brilliance of God. I would travel far and pursue it with all my might and will, much more than the things of earth that call to me.

Here I sit at my computer typing away at the keys, as I do during the week for my next blog. And I stop as I always do and pray to this Radiant God, sometimes inside my head, but a lot of times, simply out loud.

I don’t see anyone. I don’t hear anyone. But my heart knows…He’s here in this room. He lives inside my heart.

And the thought of that amazes me. It also brings me to my knees knowing that I have not fully followed Him in obedience and love today. Tears come, and in His light, I remember my sins. The light is brilliant and seeks out anything unlovely, to dispel it and replace it with His loving ways.

Bringing to my mind that His glory is here, now, reminds me that I am not holy as He is holy. And then it reminds me of the fact that Jesus covers me with His loving death on a cross. I am forgiven and healed and can stand before this Amazing God.

Though I cannot glimpse His back as Moses did, His brilliance lights up my heart and soul. This deep belief in an invisible God is so real, I feel I could touch it, and it would materialize in front of me.

Lord, help my heart to listen when you probe at the depths of it. Remind me of better ways and purer thoughts. When I ask to see your glory, point me to your answers that I may miss if my mind is only set on my definition of what that may look like. Help me to see your glory in the sunrise, in a child’s playfulness and in my husband’s love. Your ways outshine the so very little images I come up with to describe you, but I want to know you more. I want to see your glory. In Jesus name, Amen.

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