Unashamed Pilgrims

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33

Jesus was talking to His disciples about the hardships they were about to face.

No human being escapes trouble. As followers of Christ, we want to learn to face them well in the higher life we live in Him. These difficulties are what show us what we’re made of. They test our true faith in God.

Each trial we go through seems to strengthen us for the next if we let it. Somehow the terrible circumstances turn into something productive and good in our lives. We come to a place of rest and trust in the Father. We experience His concern and care, no matter how long the wait.

In my old neighborhood, a large ash tree still stands in majestic splendor. We were told by the neighbors of an arborist that they hired to save the tree from being destroyed. The tree was 300 years old and survived the borer insects that were killing the ash trees in the surrounding area. It survived not only the damage of the pesty insects but many more storms that came it’s way.

These wonderful trees along with the oaks, maples and others of solid, sturdy quality go through such blows and blasts in their great lives. They set their roots deep into the ground, making them stand stronger. Watch many a tree during a storm. They bend and then, once the storm is over, they bounce back, looking as if nothing has happened. They stand as does that 300 year old ash tree down the road (though, it needed a bit of help along the way).

So it is with us. When bad things happen because we are following Christ (who is our help), not the world, we have the opportunity for so many things, to:
Let our roots grow deeper in Him,
Aid our faith to be refined,
Hold us up in times of storm,
Cry out more in our anguished prayers,
Love those He puts in our paths,
Stir us to a greater passion and zeal for His work,
Serve His people and even our enemies.

Jesus knew that the disciples would soon be going through persecution because of Him. There would be many who would come against them, but He told them to,

Take heart! I have overcome the world!”

One day the persecution would all come to an end and His followers would be with Him in eternity. In the mean time, we, as did the disciples of old, live in a world that will have sorrow, but the sorrow will be blended with joy and peace (found only in Jesus) of knowing that He has already won the victory. This peace is offered to us freely to receive if we so choose.

Why does the world need to be overcome?

Because it pulls at us to leave our position in Christ (to our own detriment). It works secretly, hidden in places we would never suspect. It calls us to come just as Jesus calls us to come, and it’s ways seem attractive, luring us to participate in what would make us ‘rich,’ ‘powerful’ and ‘beautiful,’ though our true riches, strength and beauty are found in Christ. It makes us feel we need to be part of it and included in its deception.

Yet, may we pull away from the world’s hold and pull all people towards Jesus, surrounding and saving ourselves in His protection from things that would tempt us. May we bear His name proudly as unashamed pilgrims here on this earth and lead many to Him.

Lord, your son, Jesus, lived His life in perfect harmony with you. Though He was pulled just as we are towards earth, He stayed close to His Heavenly Father and drew many to Him. He gave us an example of how to reject the world’s standards and to remain in communion with you. His death on the cross defeated Satan and therefore brought victory to all of us. We claim that victory and the peace He gives. Help us to remember how He has overcome the world and how to die to ourselves and to what the world has to offer. In Jesus name, Amen.

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