Esteemed Value

Acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. I Thessalonians. 4:13

Today’s passage continues by saying, “Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.”

Something happens to us when we choose to take the high road of respect and esteem for others in our lives, especially the ones who hold positions of leadership over us.

Though it may be in a whole new category, I would even include bosses at work or anyone who prays for us and cares for our well-being. I would include anyone given the responsibility and authority to make hard decisions and plans for our group or congregation.

Many times, all we see may be at the surface, like the frustrations, irritability or seeming neglect of our leaders. Yet, if we take a deeper look, these people carry such heavy burdens. We have no idea how much they do, how sleepless their nights and how intentional their work.

Not all managers are good leaders, but the ones that are solid stand out in our lives. They direct us in ways that benefit not only ourselves but the success of the whole group, if only we would humble ourselves to follow them. It is within our power to bless to these people and to encourage their efforts.

Of course, we give our input and share our ideas, but in the end, we refuse to have an ego that feeds hurt feelings or dampens our spirits and the spirits of those around us. In the long run, these attitudes only weaken the dynamic between the greater whole and spoils the greater plans.

Today’s verse speaks mainly about leaders at our places of worship. We pray for them and humbly listen to their guidance. Humility is not weakness; it is wisdom. It is learning how to see the vision of others and how to be a good team player. Instead of forcing our ideas into the mix, we speak them and then listen in considerate respect as we would want to be treated in similar circumstances.

Father, you created among us those who were born to be our leaders. These fine people have a built-in courage and understanding of how to fix problems and help move us out of troubling issues. When humility is in play in our hearts and we respond to these natural abilities, we gain so much more than when we disrupt and cause a stir. Teach us how to acknowledge, to esteem their value. Give us eyes to see the bigger picture of their great work. In Jesus name, Amen.

Weeded Heart

The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty. Proverbs 27:12

A familiar story came to mind this week concerning God’s ‘testing’ of Abraham in which he was to offer Isaac (his own son) on an altar (Gen. 22). Many friends and family tell me they could never have obeyed such a command.

Actually, I don’t think the story was about Abraham binding Isaac’s hands and feet as an offering as much as it was about Abraham metaphorically holding out his own hands and feet to God, to ready himself for his own ‘death’ to self. That’s what it would have taken for Abraham to willingly comply, even to God. God never intended for Isaac to die. He only wanted to know that there was nothing between them, not even the beloved son Abraham had waited for, for so long. In the end, God provided a ram for Abraham to offer instead of his son.

When there is ANYTHING between God and me, THAT is a danger to my soul. A wise man stands still as his prized possessions are carefully weeded out by the Lord’s careful hand, possessions that could close his ears to God’s voice and his heart to obedience.

The ‘weeds’ (things to which one attaches one’s self too strongly) could be anyone in one’s family or church or anything that captures one’s attention away from the Father.

All summer, I’ve been pulling weeds on my one acre lot. The work has kept me busy. I’ve pruned and cut and trimmed. It’s been hard work, but satisfying to see the beauty of my accomplishments.

As I pull up whole root systems that take hours to conquer, my mind is drawn to how God must feel when the process of change in me is complicated and dreadfully deep. My soul doesn’t want to let go. My soul clings to what it thinks will provide happiness or safety. In reality, the Lord knows what will endanger and harm me more than I do.

Other weeds in my yard, I’ve noticed, are extremely easy to uproot. That reminds me of the hard work the Father has given to my heart’s negatives for several long years. These traits will always try to return, but at this point, God gives a little tug and they yield freely to His gentle hand.

Such a dynamic is astonishing and miraculous and stirs in me a desire to be a prudent woman.

How is the prudent wise and the ‘simple’ so foolish that they keep holding onto their possessions and walking into the same snares and traps of the enemy of God again and again?

Let’s review what we’ve learned so far in Prov. 27:

The fool or simple person boasts about tomorrow, praises himself, overreacts, gets insanely jealous, insincerely compliments but never openly confronts or lovingly ‘wounds’ his friends. The fool is too full of self to be hungry for honey (righteousness), he strays from home, doesn’t care to give or take sweet advice, forsakes his friends in times of need and dishonors his father.

There is danger in continuing a life of laziness, anger, neglect and, also, pride.

Why do the foolish keep going in this direction?

Maybe doing so is thrilling or maybe they are bored. They may need to numb the pain felt on the inside. They may think that anything else is better than the bad they know, even if the consequences are terrible.

But the prudent fight for the good life they can have in Christ. They surrender their desires that would cause them to crave danger.

One beautiful day, I was running in my old neighborhood with my face glancing at the houses I passed by. At one point, the next thing I knew, I had tripped over a jagged piece of sidewalk and fell flat on my face. Bleeding and sore, I picked myself back up and kept running. The next time around, my eyes were fixed on the sidewalk (at that spot), not wanting to go through that again. I learned from my mistake.

The prudent learn to see past their impulsive choices and consider the outcome. They don’t simply live for a moment of pleasure or temporary relief from pain.

The prudent wisely and honorably learn from their blunders and escape much trouble. The simple continue doing the same thing they’ve been doing (foolish or lazy) and continue to be conquered by painful experiences.

Certainly, the situation someone is in isn’t the “problem,” though he may think so. What he does in wisdom or foolishness with the situation or temptation is the focus of today.

What does he see ahead? What will happen if he goes this way or that? He must think it through. Everything he chooses must be carefully and prayerfully weighed for its spiritual benefits or disadvantages.

Some follow the crowd into a pit even though they know the consequences. The benefit of being included is worth more than the wages of sin. Therefore, it is the mature (prudent) man who deeply considers his value in the eyes of God, knowing his acceptance in God’s family and not giving into a need to stray for want of companionship.

The wise soul doesn’t put off needed repairs or projects. He knows that procrastination will eventually worsen the cost and pain of the important jobs. His priorities are rearranged to take care of today’s need. The prudent worker takes time to rest and play and not lose his health. The wise mother cleans up a messy spill immediately and doesn’t wait until it dries and cakes onto the container, only to further complicate and extend her work.

If today the prudent is energetic and strong, he finds productive things to do with his energy instead of lazily watching the time pass him by.

Father God, your Bible is perfect and so good for me to hear every day of my life. Please weed my heart of things that cause me harm. Help me to be free of ruinous habits and negative traits. Help me to thrive in my life like a well-watered garden. Keep me from danger. Help me to be prudent and wise about my choices. In Jesus name, Amen.