Beyond Armies and Crashing Waves

Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:13

The Israelites had happily left Egypt, thinking they would be forever free at last. As they stood on the beach facing the Red Sea and heard the chariots of Pharoah’s army coming after them, now they weren’t so convinced. In fact, they were terrified for their lives.

It’s interesting to watch our reactions when our lives change in one dreadful instance. Moses told them not to be afraid. But the Israelites had something to be afraid of! However, they also had God who was bigger than all their worst nightmares coming true!

When I read his words “Do not be afraid, it made me think of my own real and imagined fears. I wrote down all the fears I could think of, and in no time, I had a pretty big list. Fear spreads like wild fire to others. It also spreads throughout our bodies and makes us sick. Worry and anxiety are not exactly the most healthy choices of my life.

So what happened next?

Moses told them to stand firm. Stand on the foundation of God, on His promises, in faith (belief, trust). Don’t run. Face the fear.

I am here,” says the voice of the Lord in my ear.

“See the deliverance the Lord will bring you this day.” He is the Deliverer, the Rescuer from: my impossible circumstances, my offenses and even my-self. He saves us for Himself.

“The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.” I’ve quoted this verse several times this week, not in regards to Egypt, but in regards to my own not-so-good, imaginary or real ‘pursuers.’ Maybe I will see these fearful matters with my physical eyes again, but my spiritual eyes will focus on only seeing GOD my Deliverer!

Moses goes on to say, “The Lord will fight for you.”

I have a lifetime guard. His name is Jesus. He guards my heart. He stands waiting for me to ask for His help, to let Him manage and save me, to let Him into my heart of hearts and give Him free reign.

If I turn Him down, I lose sight of His protection, like when I look or cling to my idols to save me instead or when I listen to other voices or seek the easier way out (the broad road). I refuse Him when I choose my own path, give into my emotions (or into oppression or attacks from the enemy) and don’t process these things with Him. I shut off His voice by pushing Him away in anger. When bad things happen I blame Him or I’m too busy to pray or to cry out to Him. I let the enemy into my home or into my mind. I don’t take time to be with Him. I’m in a hurry and not in the moment. I’m living in worry. I withhold forgiveness. I don’t place all in His hands or at His feet. I don’t pay attention to His current provision or protection. I dwell on the negative. In these choices, I lose sight of the most important One of my life: God.

Then Moses said, “YOU NEED only to be still.”

I remind myself to stop the worrying and the avalanche of thoughts. Stop trying to figure it all out, always having to be in motion (busy), fixing the world and holding it all up as if it were all left on my incapable shoulders.

But the Israelites approached Moses in anger and fear. They didn’t realize the freedom they thought they had before was very much still in their possession.

What have you done?

Verse 15-18 says, “Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground. I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they will go in after them. And I will gain glory through Pharaoh and all his army, through his chariots and his horsemen. The Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I gain glory through Pharaoh, his chariots and his horsemen.”

In this passage, the words that caught my eyes the most were these:

Why are you crying? Tell them to move on!

There’s a time to cry, mourn and weep, and then there’s a time to move on.

God wanted to show off His glory to the world. He wants to do the same in our lives, if only we would stop being so afraid to take that step forward, if only we would stop turning our gaze behind us and focusing on the “armies of enemies,” if only we would see beyond the barrier of dreaded ocean waves that stand between us and (our definition of) safety and SEE instead through eyes of faith…the True and Living God…ready to come in and save the day.

Father, YOU are right in front of us, though we don’t always feel that way. You are always there. But we miss so much when our spiritual eyes are gazing elsewhere, looking for things to be afraid of, looking for something to dread. Help us to move on. Take our feet, one at a time, and steer us in the direction of the safe path (your definition) that you have laid out for us. Give us faith instead of fear. Show us in our paralyzing state of mind YOUR glory and your touch upon our souls. Give us a work to take the attention off of ourselves and our fears and dreads. We set our hearts on your might and your saving strength. In Jesus name, Amen.