Faithful Patience

A faithful person will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished. Prov. 28:20

How does one become a faithful person? A few comparable adjectives or phrases may help us better understand and then broaden the significance of today’s verse.

Here is a list I compiled of the word faithful:

overflowing with good deeds
full of integrity

Faithfulness is the true way to joy and blessings. For example, a faithful friend, one who is devoted and constant, will typically himself be blessed in times of need.

Of course, the blessings of faithfulness include receiving the compassion one has compassionately offered others, but they also include a good name that comes from an upright heart, peace instead of anxiety about worldly matters and inner feelings of usefulness, not only toward God, but toward one’s fellowman.

A faithful person has hardships and sensitivities just like the rest of us. However, when he is lonely, he looks for other lonely people to whom he can give his companionship. When he feels neglected, he gives attention to those in need. When life gives him hurtful experiences, he can give compassion to others who are hurting. When anger takes him over, he seeks out those who need his peace.

Overtime, patience is developed in him as each trial reveals the choice to move forward in faith or revert back to immobilizing habits of self-pity, pride and instant gratification.

One who impatiently and eagerly hastens to get rich fills his life with pleasures, seeks his own way and has his mind resolute and devoted on wrong things. His focus in life is different than the steadfast Christian. His lustful desire for the quick accumulation of wealth may tempt him to commit fraud or deceit. His ways are contrary to those who are reliable and true.

Certainly, the possession of wealth is not the problem. Man is overjoyed when he is blessed with good fortune. His faithfulness brings about the patience needed for God’s daily provisions. He is happy in the waiting just as much as he is in the overflow of food, shelter and clothing. But if he loses faith and turns an unscrupulous amount of attention to amass more money, no matter the consequences to others, this can be his downfall. Money, then, becomes an idol that controls his life. God is forgotten. His pursuit of wealth is all-encompassing, overshadowing his desire to please his Maker. He runs after riches with all his energy and might. Of what use is his life to God?

Father, make my heart faithful towards the things of the Lord. Narrow my focus to be about your kingdom and your heart. Show me how to increase my faith. Teach me the treasures of patient waiting for your answers in my trials and needs. Help me to see your blessings as they come and not miss them. In Jesus name, Amen.