Mean God?

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7-8

To tell you the truth, I didn’t like this verse when it first came to me as the topic I would study for the week.

It is one of those ‘in your face’ verses that make people feel bad about themselves. We immediately feel shame for all the troubled sins of our flesh, and honestly, it tends to make us feel hopeless.

I’ll never be the person I was meant to be. Why even try!

“Give me something comforting, something that will soothe my emotions and make me feel better.”

Yet, the more I opened my heart to God’s word, the more I realized the deeper calling wasn’t simply about condemnation.

My choices affect the quality of my life. God has given me the gift of free will. He will never force me to follow His ways. I am the one who has control over what I do.

My flesh is most definitely a problem that comforting verses rarely reach.

God’s voice speaks to me (sometimes boldly and right to the point) in order that I may understand the consequences of staying in the same patterns I’ve developed in my life out of fear and self-protection.

When I sow irritability, discord, anger, laziness, apathy or addiction in all its forms, there is a difference in my life than when I sow love, peace, patience and a shining of God from within to those without.

Galatians 6:7 is not a happy, positive verse. But when I heed, listen and obey, the joy follows. In fact, there is never a doubt that God’s word, if I allow it to seep into my soul and change me, reaps long-lasting happy benefits greater than the sins to which I cling.

Perhaps part of the problem of a first glance at this verse is the picture of a mean God looking over my shoulder ready to strike lightning at any mistakes I make.

However, when I allow myself to remake the image in my head, I see the truth. I see a God who longs for my time and full presence to long for His loving, forgiving, compassionate presence and to trust Him enough to follow His ways.

God wants to bless, not harm me.

Inside the consequences that come from my wayward choices, God waits, not with furrowed brow and condemning hand, but with wide open arms, ready to commune with me, as has always been His desire and hope.

Father, help my image of you to be clear and right. Lead me to convicting words of your Bible that mold me more into the likeness of your son. Aid my journey to daily walk close to you. I want to do the work of sowing what is good and reaping the results. But even more, I simply want to please you and be near my Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.