Stay and Finish the Work

Nehemiah 6:3

“I am carrying on a great project…Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?”

Nehemiah and the people who lived in Jerusalem were rebuilding the wall that had been destroyed during the Babylonian captivity. Everyone was working with all their might to finish this great project.

However, enemies in the city were wickedly conniving to thwart his plans. One day several of them, with sinister intent, enticed Nehemiah, saying, “Come meet with us in one of the villages.

The Bible says their scheme was to harm him.

He responded, “I am carrying on a great project…Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?

In other words, “Why should I get distracted with your plans for evil while I am engaged in important tasks for the Lord God.”

A wall around the city of Jerusalem was the people’s protection against the enemies on the outside. Nehemiah knew that if he stopped finishing this project and allowed himself to be distracted with the petty squabbles of petty men (inside the wall), the work would never get done.

I’d like to imagine, sometimes, that I am talking to anger or fear, the petty voices (enemies) that try to take over my head. I like to envision them calling to me and asking me to come ‘down’ and meet with them.

My answer to those who hide, waiting for me to step into their trap is: “Why should I stoop to your level and listen to your lies! I have important work to do, the work of a mighty God who leads my steps and guides my ways.”

Why should I stop…(I say to my enemies)?
What, in my life, must I stop to disregard the spiritual forces I oppose?

Stop entertaining negative influences (complaints, fear, hatred, anger, agitation irritation, frustration, sadness or other paralyzing thoughts). Stop being afraid of my future.

Instead, I choose to keep straining forward in worship to bow my head and entrust my life in prayer to my Heavenly Father (whom I need far more than anything else), to stay active in making my home an inviting place to live, to anoint it’s doors and members with God’s anointing oil, to cheer those around me, to creatively throw out excess of stuff, to be frugal, using and needing less, to need God more and hoard time with Him, to be alert to worthless time-stealers of TV and cards and to be a servant to those in need around me.

Stop being afraid of illness, fear of illness, fear of what illness might do to me or my loved ones. Stop giving into injury, physical discomfort or other distractions of the enemy. Feel the normal human feelings and process through it all. Then move forward.

Stop giving so much time and attention to ‘work’ that really isn’t work at all. The tasks we do for God is the only work that matters (cleaning toilets, dropping off supplies for a friend, providing for our family, counseling the downhearted or just listening to a sad heart is godly work. (Striving for success, perfection, beauty or power in the eyes of this world is not.)

There are other bothersome, opposing forces in our lives:

Lack of sleep is a killer (an enemy) for me. I can face my foe by not staying up late when I can help it or simply use the wakeful moments to pray. My wise choices are part of fulfilling the great projects God has for me.

There is also self-pity, anger and depression that call to me constantly in my circumstances. What voices call to you to come down?

Psalm 1: 1-2 say, “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.”

This sounds like a man who is focused on God’s important work.

Lord, I want to choose to go UP wherever you lead me and not to descend to the place where evil dwells. I want to follow your ways, in my mind, actions, attitudes and motives. Help my trials to strengthen my faith instead of pulling me down to where the enemy alluringly calls my name. I listen for YOUR voice and your calling through all my labor. Let the spreading of peace and joy be a part of my greatest work here on earth. Father, help me to finish the work you have for me here. In Jesus name, Amen.

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